HBSUK is now a subsidiary of AXA Health. Find out more here.

Let  Us  Connect  You to the correct specialist online, first time.

Virtual Lucy is a technology–enabled single point of access outpatient service, where we collect everything we need to know about you to allow us to diagnose and treat. We replace traditional face-to-face outpatient consultations and can arrange diagnostics, imaging and testing all directly from our platform. If you need it, we refer directly to secondary care (hospital) services that you need, including surgery.
Virtual Lucy will soon be available as a SaaS product. Learn more here.
Patient validations
200000 +
Triage to correct clinician first time
50 %
Virtual assessments / consultations
10000 +
Illustration of Virtual Lucy

An Innovative Digital Healthcare Platform

Fully AWS cloud-based, Virtual Lucy collects everything we need to know about a person in order to make a diagnosis, facilitate imaging and testing and provide conservative treatments.

Against traditional physical clinics, we achieve:

  • 90% hit rate to right clinician, first time
  • 30% fewer diagnostics
  • 30% fewer surgical interventions

Avoiding the need to attend multiple appointments, at physical facilities, VL collects everything that a clinician would traditionally do from physical clinics, and more and all at the convenience and control of the patient.

All Virtual Lucy services

Digital Triage

Patients are asked to complete a short series of questions to determine the correct specialist for their problem. This could be a physiotherapist, an advance practice physiotherapist, or a consultant, depending on the problem.

Online Consultations

Patients can be sent question sets which can be reviewed by the clinical team asynchronously. These can be prioritised by urgency and designated to the member of the team most appropriate to review the patient’s case. This model has been very successful in dermatology where up to 50% of patients don’t need any type of appointment and the case reviews can be done at any time of day, without the patient needing to attend.

Virtual Consultations (Accelerated Specialist Assessments)

Patients triaged to an appointment can choose to have a telephone, video, or face to face appointment. For patients choosing virtual consultations, they can connect with the clinician via the Virtual Lucy application. Clinicians have all the patient’s relevant history so they can provide a diagnosis and management plan or refer the patient on for diagnostics or a face-to face -consultation. All notes are recorded in real time and an appointment letter is generated and shared with the patient, GP, and local hospital instantly.


Before the consultation, patients are prompted to complete some general health questions and some problem-specific questions. This allows the clinician to have a good understanding of the patient’s problem prior to the consultation.


PIFU (or Patient Initiated Follow-ups) can be arranged and conducted within Virtual Lucy. Patients managing their own treatment can arrange appointments with a clinician of their choice as and when the need arises.

Pathway Re-Design

Our team of clinical and technical experts will design a service-specific pathway to improve efficiency and deliver the best possible care. Our pathways are always lean, innovative, and best-in-class.

At HBSUK we recognize, we don’t know everything. The best people we can learn from are our patients with real experience and insights. Read about our approach to patient insights here.

Virtual Lucy Specialities

Live specialties:

New specialities coming soon:

Virtual Lucy Solution

Our digital online triage tool signposts patients to the right clinician, first time, every time. This includes providing patients with the choice of virtual and physical services that match their clinical needs. Patients and clinicians can have phone or video consultations at a time and location that suits them. Virtual Lucy also collects all the information the clinician needs to help patients decide on the right treatment for them.

Admin Support

Our knowledgeable and dedicated admin team will be on hand to answer your questions and help deal with any issues.


Patients are asked to complete a short series of questions to determine the correct specialist for their problem.


Our booking system allows patients to choose from a range of available of clinicians. Each clinician has a profile and a picture to help the patient make their choice.


Patients are given the opportunity to record their appointment satisfaction straight after their consultation. We also collect Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) so that patients can document their recovery over time.

Patient Portal

Patients are kept up to date in the Patient Portal by a timeline of events for each case, and can also securely access appointment documents, reports, and images.

Brand Customization

The Virtual Lucy patient interface is customisable to feature your healthcare service’s unique branding

Virtual Lucy is feature rich and can be your single point of access for any virtual outpatient service. We have included some features here, but to see how VL really works and what it covers, request a demo.

Interoperability and Integration

To get the real-benefit of Virtual Lucy, this needs to be integrated into your systems, such as PAS and EPR.

Virtual Lucy is HL7/FHIR compatible and through our API integration interface, is easy to link into your own systems.

Virtual Lucy can receive NHS electronic referrals (eRS).

Screenshot of the virtual lucy portal login
All Virtual Lucy services

The platform includes the following core functionality:

  • Full security registration, including MFA
  • FHIR/HL7 interoperability
  • Electronic Referral System (eRS) interface
  • Integrated PACS viewer
  • Algorithm-driven questionnaires by speciality
  • General health care questionnaires
  • Full diary and appointments booking and re-scheduling (controlled by patient)
  • Secure video/telephone calling with all same functionality as used in Zoom, Teams, facetime and other platforms (screen sharing, on/off camera/voice
  • WTG 2.0 accessibility
  • GP record interface (via GP connect)
  • Clinician onboarding and bio details
  • Template letters (simple to brand to local requirements)
  • Ability to refer directly for any diagnostic eg MRI, CT, US
  • Ability to refer directly for any test eg pathology, histology, patch test
  • Fact-sheets and information by all conditions
  • Full clinical notes capture
  • Automated outcome letters
  • MSK Rehabilitation App
  • Recorded patient/clinician assessments
  • ICD10 diagnosis
  • Clinician performance dashboard & QA tools
  • Configurable outcome pathways (including onward referral and sharing of information in secure, controlled manner)
  • Intuitive Task Management system
  • Rich MI via in-built Power BI
  • Credit-card payment interface

Virtual Lucy New Features

Screenshot of Virtual Lucy platform

Blended Pathways

Patient choice between online or face to face services

Administration GUI/Dashboard

Dedicated administration portal, which allows administrators to support patients through their pathway, perform relevant tasks and customise content. 

Full proxy management

Mimicking the NHS standards allowing a dedicated person to help patients with digital barriers to access online services. 

Asynchronous ‘in-app’ messaging

This allows patients to ask direct questions to their clinician, and if the clinician is not available one of the clinical team can help answering these messages.

How Virtual Lucy will help you

Right Person, Right Place, Right Time..

The VL Pathway successfully and safely brings first line treatment to patients within the comfort of their own home.

Our team has experience of managing over 20,000 patients though our existing clinics

4.7/5 Patient satisfaction rating

Online physiotherapy sessions are considered successful in 98% of cases.

Virtual Lucy is customised for each specialty and locale.

An eco-friendly platform helping to build a greener health service.

The Virtual Lucy platform is fully secure and compatible with NHS IT systems.

All Consultants reviewing individual cases hold or have held a substantive post within the NHS, within the past 2 years

What do our users say about Virtual Lucy

Hear about our services





  • Unlimited calls
  • Free hosting
  • 500 MB of storage space
  • 500 MB Bandwidth
  • 24/7 support


  • Unlimited calls
  • Free hosting
  • 500 MB of storage space
  • 500 MB Bandwidth
  • 24/7 support

Virtual Lucy Platform only – Coming soon

Virtual Lucy was developed as a platform to provide services for HBSUK internal use.  Due to the volume of requests to purchase the platform only as a ‘vanilla’ product, we are happy to announce this will be possible soon! 

Orders being taken from April 2023 for deployments in August 2023.  Product sales in 2023 are limited to 3 deployments, with the capacity to deploy 2 per month from 2024.  Deployment includes interoperability configurations, local configuration set up, training and support.  

Virtual Lucy – it’s all in the name

“We wanted an easy to remember, unambiguous name that related to what we do, connecting patients with healthcare professionals, we came up with the acronym LUCY, ‘Let Us Connect You’.