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services & specialities
clinicians on-boarded
mobilisation period
patients treated within 6 months through insourcing
Like many other NHS organisations, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust was already under pressure when the pandemic broke out. By the middle of 2022, waiting lists were extremely challenged, leaving patients waiting for long and often painful times, often without the prospect of a diagnosis or treatment.
As a long-standing partner to the NHS, HBSUK was able to help the trust providing physical and digital support to tackle backlogs quickly and sustainably.
HBSUK mobilised its Operations Team quickly to understand the extent of the Trust’s challenges, the current clinical pathway and backlog. They met with all clinical and non-clinical stakeholders, so that the clinics and lists were as efficient as possible and the recovery as sustainable as possible, focusing very much on seeing as many patients as possible safely in line with our commitment to excellence in everything we do.
The project started with Orthopaedic Theatres on 17th September. HBSUK deployed the first additional theatre sessions over the weekend, running two orthopaedic lists to relieve waiting list pressures.
3 days later the first MaxFax evening clinics went live, with more support added to make use of weekend capacity.
After successfully launching a few specialities, HBSUK built a closer collaboration with the trust, further understanding their requirements and demonstrating robust operational processes. Additional services and specialties were added to the scope of works:
reduction in dermatology cancer pathways
reduction in MaxFax long waiters (26+ weeks)
reduction in gynaecology theatre waiting lists
reduction in plastic surgery waiting lists