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Patient Insights

At HBSUK we recognise, we don’t know everything.  The best people we can learn from are our patients with real experience and insights. 

Illustration showing a patient in a doctor's clinic
In January 2023, HBSUK appointed David Gilbert as our Patient Director. We also appointed Adbul Seckam in February 2023 as our Head of Academia and Research, specifically focussed on Patient Insights and learning from real life experiences.

HBSUK are working with various Universities and institutes to continue our learning and using to continually build out Virtual Lucy to be the preferred virtual outpatient platform of choice for patients and clinicians alike. 

About David

David is a nationally recognised leader in patient and public engagement in healthcare organisations. He has written several books on Patient (lived experience) Leadership and has a regular slot in HSJ Health Service Journal.

David will lead on the patient voice in HBSUK’s new Insights team. He will support us in developing our patient (lived experience) leaders to work with us on governance, patients’ roles in design and delivery of the service and platform and future strategy.

About Abdul

Abdul was born in Zimbabwe and came to Cardiff in 2002 for his undergraduate studies in Biomedical Science and Masters in Biomedical Sciences (Medical Microbiology). Having studied Public Health and Preventative Medicine (Epidemiology) in the Caribbean, he returned to Cardiff and has completed a PhD upon the role of evidence based wound care in 2016. He is currently the Stroke Hub Wales manager, a Welsh Government initiative which aims to achieve a step change in high impact stroke research, innovation and education for the benefit of the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the people in Wales.

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